Monday, January 14, 2013

Another First

Today we celebrated another Family First.  A broken arm.  Let's hope it's the last

Actually, Thomas fractured his left wrist during our homeschool group's Park Day on Thursday.  Running up the short climbing wall, he slipped and landed on the metal platform on his left arm (his right was apparently gripping a sword or battle axe or some such).  His buddy came and got me, and by the time I got to him he'd been laying very still in pain for a few minutes.  He was unable to sit up for a few minutes more, and by that time our friend, J, the nurse, had come over as well.  She checked him out and rendered her opinion: it could be broken, or it could just be bruised.  We opted to take him home, ice it, keep it elevated, and see how it looked the next day. 

The next day it looked better; the swelling had gone down, and it was not as painful.  He decided he did not want to miss out on his buddy's overnight birthday celebration, so I took him.

The day after that, he and his friend auditioned at our local theatre for an upcoming production.  After the autiditon, Thomas decided it was time to see a doctor and get the arm checked.  Our local Doc-In-The-Box took an x-ray and confirmed it was fractured.  Nice and clean.  No rush, but we'd need to get him to a Pediatric Orthopaedist on Monday (it was Saturday).

So, here we are at the Ortho office.  After another x-ray confirming a nice, clean fracture (no jiggling required), and the PA popped on a cast faster than I could have imagined possible.  Green, of course, just like a creeper.

Ready to head home, obviously not a lot of pain.  But hungry.  Of course.

I was given the honor of being the first to sign his cast. 

For those not familiar with Mine Craft, that's a creeper face...

So, to weeks in a cast, and then back to the Ortho for a recheck.

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