Friday, January 6, 2012

Angry Bird Birthday

Papa Bear's birthday just happens to be inconveniently located smack-dab right between Christmas and New Years. Every year. It doesn't move, ever. Birthdays are funny that way.

And this smack-dab-ness makes it really challenging to plan and pull off a birthday party for him. I mean, even if I have the mental bandwidth and time to actually plan a party during that time-frame, how many people to do you know have the bandwidth to attend?

So, this year someone in our household got unexpectedly brilliant (can't remember who, but I'm willing to take all the credit) and decided to push the "party" part back to the first week of January.

And we actually got people to show up ;)

But, the best parts of this birthday party (from my perspective, 'cause it wasn't actually my party), were:

#1 The Party Plates. Thomas got a bee in his bonnet and decided that it had to be an Angry Bird theme. Papa Bear was just recently introduced to Angry Birds because we got a Roku for his office TV. And he was immediately addicted. Can't fault him there. So, he was pretty much all over the Angry Bird Theme.

This is how the six kids implemented said theme:

#2 Best Part of The Party: KitMama's VEGAN triple chocolate cake, with frosting by Grace:

If you went completely overboard and added the granache that is sitting in the gravy boat to the rear, then it's a quadruple chocolate cake, but no longer vegan. Or kid-friendly, since it's dosed with a bit of bourbon. And oooooooooohhhh, soooooooo yummmmmy!

#3 Best Part of the Party: Our lovely friends. I can't say enough about the loveliness of our friends, and how I adore having them at our place and in our home and in our lives. So, 'nuff said.

Happy Birthday, baby! I love growin' old with you!