Saturday, November 17, 2018

New Mode of Transportation

Since the loss of the Focus, we've been scratching our heads trying to figure out how to get a replacement vehicle for the cash we've got on hand. Papa Bear took some time investigating private-party sales in our area, but none of those panned out. The search was put on hold until next the next weekend, hoping something would change by then.

What changed was my thinking, I can only credit to Tom Hanks and those wierd fairies who visit at 4:00 am and put odd thoughts in your head.

Yep, we got a scooter.  It's street-legal so it doesn't need registration or insurance, just a regular drivers' license, and it was about $1,000 brand-new with a warranty. We're living rural enough to get to several retail areas avoiding highways and significant traffic. So, this is our short-term transportation fix until we get settled in our new permanent home in Nashville.

 And, yep, I can't get Tom Petty's tune out of my head, especially when I see the scooter...which has been dubbed "Wilson."

Thomas and Wilson.

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