Day Two was FULL! Scheduled activities for the kids and adults. Scheduled meals AND snacks (with carb counts!). And "scheduled" free family time.

During free time, we headed for the hay ride. The tractor got stuck on a muddy hill, so we all piled out and helped guide and advise the young driver out of the situation. Then piled back in for the rest of the trip.

The boys hit the "putt putt" range on the way to lunch.

Then, after another scheduled session, more free time for the families.

The "tree house"

Paddle boating

A new friend
Finally, after dinner, the evening program.

Brother Bear lines up

Dr. A...gotta love him.

Preparation for....

...self-inflicted pie in the face.

Our fearless leader/organizer, Kat.
What a wonderful thing that people obviously spend much time preparing and organising!