So, into the cart they went, and I brought them home brimming with confidence that I could figure out how to make egg rolls. I'm really not being ironic here, I really was sure I could do it. If I've gotten ANYTHING from the 30 Day Vegan workshop (we're in week three), it's been a very healthy dose of confidence. I'm working with ingredients I previously could not even identify, figuring out the techniques that go along with them, blending flavors and textures I had no idea could go together, and making a palatable (sometimes even delicious) meal from the whole mix.
Egg Rolls? Can I make Egg Rolls? Bring it on, baby!
I used tofu (yes! tofu!) instead of the animal flesh recommended on the wrapping package. Having previous experience with frying tofu for another dish, I jumped right in. Fried up about 14 oz of tofu seasoned with salt and pepper in 1 tbs of sesame oil til golden-y, then added in some garlic, ginger, lemon, lime and a wee bit of soy sauce. For the last couple of minutes, I tossed in about 2 cups finely chopped cabbage, 1/2 cup finely grated carrot, 3 green onions finely chopped, and some crab meat just for the heck of it. Cooked until soft and warm all over...

Cooled for about 20 min while I started our "main" dish...Broccoli Noodles with Thai Peanut Sauce (courtesy of the 30 Day Vegan). I had some extra Thai Peanut Sauce in the fridge, which I bolstered with a little extra soy sauce, and was good to go. Just boil the soba noodles, toss in the broccoli and pre-cooked chick peas at the end, and your pretty much done.
Back to the rolls, plopped about 2 Tbsp of filling onto each wrapper, and folded like a diagonal burrito (directions are on the package).

I don't have a deep fryer, so just put about 3/4" olive oil in my cast-iron chicken fryer, heated to about 350 (I do have a thermometer for that part), and plopped in four rolls at a time.

They cooked up QUICK! Just a couple of minutes on each side, then fetch them out onto a paper towel.

Lined up in a bowl ready to be joined by their compadres.