Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tour of America - Day Twenty Five

I know you all have heard this before….we pulled up stakes and headed out.

Coming up on Flagstaff we hit a complete backup…construction on the highway had stopped traffic cold. After about an hour of creeping along with a thousand other vehicles, we decided to take a bit of a detour and ended up driving through Coconino State Park. It was a beautiful detour along a small, winding road…

....that took us direct into Sedona.

Layers of color.

Red rocks and pillars.

Red pillars and rocks.
Bell Rock.

More rocks.
I was driving, so didn’t get as many pictures as I’d have liked (snort). You really have to go to Sedona to appreciate the brilliant red rock formations and cliffs. However, if you do go to Sedona, I have a few tips.
First, bring a lot of money if you plan to “dine” and shop in the very cute little tourist trap downtown (we pretty much passed right on through to the other side of town).
Second, don’t pull a trailer or drive an RV, because this is definitely a town built for small cars. It took us about 20 minutes to find a place for lunch that had suitable parking, which was actually across the highway from the restaurant in a retail center. But, it was worth it, because it was a great little spot.
Which brings me to “third”…have lunch at the Blue Moon Café if you get the chance.
And, finally, fourth, I’ve never seen a town as small as Sedona, with as many traffic circles. They’re everywhere (I swear we went through 20 of them), so prepare yourself.
From Sedona, the next city we passed through was Phoenix...

At 4:00 pm it was...


Past Picachu Peak, then into Benson where, thankfully, it was cooler thanks to a distant thunder storm...

...which gave us a beautiful partial rainbow...

...and a spectacular desert sunset...

But, can I also say, BUGS! Everywhere. Of all kinds. Except in the ladies' comfort station at the KOA, which was painted a pleasant peach color and had classical music playing. Go figure.

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