Thursday, August 8, 2013

Tom's New Sexy Mower (7/29/13)

For a few years now, it's been Thomas' responsibility to keep the weeds --- I mean, grass --- in the front lawn trimmed and in order.  He also, on occasion, takes on jobs for friends and neighbors to earn a little extra cash.  This weekend was one of those extra gigs.  And, about half way through our lawn today, the old lawnmower just couldn't do any more.  Granted, we've had that mower for, I'm guessing, about eight years, at least.  And, it's really served us pretty well.

But despite, David's valiant attempts to resuscitate her, it was time to retire the old gal.

Here's her replacement.

Tom's machine

Another electric, self-mulching mower with a bunch of bells and whistles I really don't need to know about because I don't mow the lawn.  But, Thomas seemed pleased.

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