Monday, August 21, 2017

Tree Eclipsed

For weeks everyone has been agog about the solar eclipse. Special Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses were being sold in grocery stores and other retail outlets. There was a panicked rush to YouTube to find instructions for making Homemade Solar Eclipse Viewing Boxes when the Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses sold out.

Being a good homeschooling family, David took up the challenge and helped the boys build some Homemade Solar Eclipse Viewing Boxes. Then we headed to our local park for a bit of sun gazing.

The Homemade Solar Eclipse Viewing Boxes were a bust, but Michael had brought along his welding goggles (don't ask why he has welding goggles), and those worked pretty well. I did manage to get a picture...of the sun, not really the eclipse. The horizon line must be an optical illusion.

I did NOT look directly at the sun. My phone did.

The most interesting part of the eclipse for me was the shadows being cast by the tree leaves. They were all crescent-shaped and looked three-dimensional.

Not the surface of the moon.

That bit of science lesson being concluded, we headed back home. The only question I have is, what is everyone going to do with their special Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses?

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