Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow Day!

I stepped out onto the front porch in my slippers and listened to the sound of snow. Not snow falling (which is an amazingly peaceful sound), because there was no snow falling. Not the crunch of stepping onto snow that’s been sitting out all night ice-ing (although I did hear that). Just the sound of Snow “being”. In the magnolia tree. On the lawn. On the lawn ornaments. Quietly chatting with itself while it moved through the transformation that sunrise and the day will bring to it. Quietly preparing to melt, just a wee bit, when the sun kisses it. I suspect Snow will linger today and through the night, since the temperature is predicted to remain very low…in the 20’s, and dropping into the 10’s tonight. I can’t wait to chat with the Last Remains of Snow again tomorrow morning.

So, I called a homeschool “snow day”. No chores, and no studies. Woohoo! Everyone was stoked, including Mama Bear, because I actually got to spend a little time blogging and posting photos. Just hung out, played Wii, watched Mythbusters, hit the Y, and took Brother Bear to his Orthodontic appointment (more on that later).

But, there was a downside. T-Bear had an appointment scheduled with our pediatric endocrinologist today, but the office called and said they were cancelling all appointments for the day…we’d have to call back on Monday to reschedule. Most kids would be thrilled to hear their doctor's appointment had been cancelled, but T-Bear had decided earlier this week that he was going to ask Dr. A to approve an insulin pump today. He’s really excited and impatient to get an OmniPod – even wearing his taped-on dummy Pod for the last three days – so he was genuinely disappointed when I told him his appointment was cancelled. Drat. Hopefully we’ll get in to see Dr. A next week….

So, here are the pix, starting with “before the kids are up”…

Stepping out onto the front porch.

The front walk...revisited.

Bird...revisited...with detail.

Magnolia in the Morning.

Magnolia, too.

Magnolia, tree.

Anxious chicken, in the morning.

Umbrella, dusted.

What do you see?


First one out!
My little Snow Elf.
Yes, I made the scarf....can't you tell?

Hunting for snow.

Found it!

Snow Angel #1.
Did I call HIM an angel?!?

Snow Angel #2.
Yep, I guess I did....

Brother Bear's gloves.

An icicle...sort of.

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