The "locals": me, S, Grace, Kit, J, and C.
Photo courtesy of Papa Bear (which is why we're all laughing).
Because I had nothing better to do with all of my free (not) time (snort), I decided to see if there were enough homeschooling moms in my own little Circle (which, by the way, extends as far as Australia and New Zealand...go figure) who would be interested in reading classic book together and discussing them, that I started a Yahoo Group (with my intrepid partner-in-crime, S) for said purpose. Wonder of wonders, a bunch of lovely, smart, savy, brilliant ladies signed up, and we got a great start on the on-line portion of our discussions.
I borrowed our format from Melody. For our first month (September), we stuck with one classic. Hencenforth, we will have two classics each month, discuss one or the other or both or neither as each is inclined or able. Post comments, observations, questions or criticism on a chapter-by-chapter basis as each progresses through the book, and everyone joins in on the discussion.
Our first book was Emma by Jane Austen, and we managed to wrangle up some interesting conversations on this tried-and-true classic between those who've read it several times, those who've read it and don't quite remember the details, and those who are reading it for the first time. What an awesome blend of perspectives it turned up!
Then, several of those who are "local" showed up at the Bear Residence for a face-to-face discussion and viewing of one of the several film versions of the book. It was pretty much agreed that my A&E version was not really up to snuff, but S's version was too long (4 hours) to watch in one evening sitting. So, we opted for the A&E version, and have planned a "follow up" viewing on Tuesday (generally Park Day) for S's favored extended version. I can't wait!
BTW, a big, huge THANK YOU to the hubbies who showed up (and Papa Bear who stuck around) to wrangle all of the children (there was at least a peck of them....children, not hubbies) while the ladies chatted and viewed and discussed. And, an extra special THANK YOU to Uncle E for 1) trying to RUSH Papa Bear off for the evening, and 2) rolling with it and taking all the Bears to dinner. It was incredibly awesome to see you again!
And also BTW, the Classic Moms is only one of three book clubs our family participates in. There's the Kids' Book Club which has been reading, meeting and discussing for a couple of years now. And the more recently formed Jr. Book Club for the younger set of kids (that's T-Bear reading aloud to the group).
Up next for the Classic Moms Book Club: Frankenstein and The Legend of Sleepy Hallow. (Oh, BTW, we are reading unabridged versions). Can't wait for the discussions to begin!
So, if you love reading great books and lively discussions as much as we do, come join us!