Thursday, October 6, 2011

The FESTY Experience - Day One (Thursday)

Thanks to Billy and his magical music industry connections, both our families were able to attend The Second Annual FESTY Experience at The Devil's Backbone in Virginia. This awesome event is spearheaded in part by The Infamous Stringdusters, one of our new favorite bands. If you haven't heard them yet, go do it now!!! Even if you're not a fan of Bluegrass, you've got to appreciate the pure musicianship of these guys.

So, I have to send out a big, huge Thank You! to Billy and those who arranged for us to attend, as well as to Mimi and Christine for keeping an eye on the homefront and looking after the critters. We are blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives.

So, miraculously, we were completely packed up and on the road by 10:00 am. That would be three adults, six children, two vehicles, and a pop-up camper. (David had a business trip to attend to, and would be joining us in VA on Friday). That took some intensive planning, preparation, and pre-packing, which was accomplished spectacularly well by Kitmama and I. The drive up was pretty much uneventful (or so we thought). Lunch was a record-breaking 35 minute pit stop that encompassed fuel fill-up, pee-pee break, and making and consuming sandwiches. We arrived at the FESTY camp grounds just after sun-down, and after a bit of wrangling for a good location, dropped the camper and got camp set up. It was at this point we realized that not everything was accounted for; specifically, Kitmama’s cell phone and clothing bag. Ah, well, every trip has it's hitches, right?

Pix tomorrow!

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