Saturday, June 29, 2013

Editing::Digging For Support

I spent a good deal of today digging through the internet looking for editor’s blogs, thinking I would be able to locate/create/hobble together a support network of freelance fiction editors similar to the DOC.  Guess what I found.  Not much.  Most of the “blogs” I’ve come across are just business websites using BlogSpot or WordPress to support and advertise their services, instead of setting up an actual business website.

In contrast, when I first started looking for online support after our middle son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes four years ago, I pretty much just stumbled across a T1 Mom’s blog (I think someone may have even sent me the link), and right there on the side panel was a list of DOZENS of T1 Mom Blogs.  And every time I clicked on a link to a new blog, there was another side panel with a list of DOZENS of T1 Mom Blogs.  It was a virtual Rabbit Hole of online diabetes support.  The biggest challenge was deciding which blogs to follow and which to leave off my reader.

Anyone contemplating moving into a new endeavor is generally told to seek out support from like minds who are doing what you want to do (or have been forced to do, in the case of diabetes care).  So, where is the support network for fiction editors?

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